Steven Yates is the CEO of Prime Guidance, an agency providing Amazon, Walmart, and eBay sellers and vendors with coaching and advisory services to help them grow their businesses on marketplaces faster and operate smarter. He is also the Founder of All Industry Consulting, which offers expert advice to clients regarding merchandising, purchasing, sourcing, sales, and business development. Before founding Prime Guidance and All Industry Consulting, Steve developed well-rounded expertise working for multibillion dollar Fortune 500 retailers such as Amazon, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and eBay Enterprise.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Steven Yates talks about Prime Guidance and what it does
- Steve’s advice for sellers wanting to migrate to other marketplaces
- The importance of having an e-commerce website as a seller
- The levers people can pull on Amazon that can influence sales and help them grow their brands
- How to increase your conversion rates on Amazon
- Case studies of how Prime Guidance helped people grow their businesses on Amazon
- The advanced content detail page optimization tactics people should focus on
- Josh Hadley’s three actionable takeaways from this episode
In this episode…
Are you an Amazon seller? Which levers do you need to pull in your business to increase sales and grow on Amazon and other marketplaces?
With the high competition on Amazon, sellers need to up their game and try to stand to sell more. To increase their conversion rate in any marketplace, sellers need to optimize product pages, keyword research, internal and external traffic generation, and content creation, including A+ content and infographics. Learn how Steven Yates helps shoppers win with all these and more through Prime Guidance.
Tune into this episode of the eComm Breakthrough Podcast with host Josh Hadley as he sits down with Steven Yates, CEO of Prime Guidance. Steve talks about Prime Guidance and what it does, other marketplaces Prime Guidance helps sellers thrive in apart from Amazon, considerations for migrating to other marketplaces, and levers sellers can pull on Amazon that can influence sales and help them grow their brands.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Josh Hadley on LinkedIn
- eComm Breakthrough Consulting
- eComm Breakthrough Podcast
- Hadley Designs
- Hadley Designs on Amazon
- Prime Guidance
- Call Prime Guidance on 972-885-9262
- All Industry Consulting
- Steven Yates on LinkedIn
Special Mention(s):
- Kevin King
- Steven Pope on LinkedIn
- Helium 10
- Splitly Reviews
- Anker
- James Thomson on LinkedIn
- Prosper Show
Past episode(s):
- “Kevin King’s Wicked-Smart Tips for Building an Audience of Raving Fans”
- “Four Critical Pillars for Amazon Listing Optimization”
- “Seven Acquisition Strategies To Scale To Eight Figures and Beyond”
Sponsor for this episode…
This episode is brought to you by Ecomm Breakthrough Consulting where I help seven figure ecommerce owners grow to eight figures. Of course…
I started Hadley Designs in 2015 and grew it to an eight-figure brand in seven years.
I made mistakes along the way that made the path to eight figures longer. At times I doubted whether our business could even survive and become a real brand. I wish I would have had a guide to help me grow faster and avoid the stumbling blocks.
If you’ve hit a plateau and want to know the next steps to take your business to the next level, then go to (that’s Ecomm with two M’s) to learn more.
As a special bonus to my podcast listeners, this month I’m giving away one $10,000 comprehensive business strategy audit session at no cost. Email me at with the subject line “Strategy Audit” and tell me why your business should win the free audit for the chance to win and don’t worry, if you don’t win the free strategy audit this month, you’ll automatically be entered for future months.
Episode Transcript
Intro 0:04
Welcome to the eComm Breakthrough Podcast. Are you ready to unlock the full potential and growth in your business? You’ve already crossed seven figures in sales, but the challenge is knowing how to take your business to the next level. Join Josh Hadley, an eight figure econ business owner and investor as he interviews highly successful business owners. Get ready because you’re going to learn specific actions you can take today to help your business reach its full potential and leave a lasting impact on the world.
Josh Hadley 0:37
Welcome to the eComm Breakthrough Podcast. I’m your host Josh Hadley where I interview the top business leaders in e-commerce. Past guests include Kevin King, Steven Pope and Roland Frasier. Today I’m speaking with Steve Yates of Prime Guidance. And we’re going to be talking about a lot of different levers that you can be pulling in your business to increase sales and grow to that eight figures and beyond. This episode is brought to you by eComm Breakthrough Consulting, where I help seven figure companies grow to eight figures and beyond. If you’ve hit a plateau and want to know the next steps to take your business to the next level, then go to That’s ECOMM with two M’s to learn more. Today I’m excited to introduce you to Steven Yates. He is the CEO and founder of Prime Guidance. Steve developed well-rounded expertise working for multibillion-dollar fortune 500 retailers, such as Amazon, Dick’s Sporting Goods and eBay enterprise prior to founding Prime Guidance and All Industry Consulting. With 30 years’ experience in retail management and 23 years’ experience in e-commerce, Steve and his team provide companies with strategic advice and innovative solutions that are based on real-life experience working for industry-leading retailers. He helps companies grow faster, smarter and more profitably by providing advice, mentoring and coaching for today’s busy executives. So welcome to the podcast, Steve.
Steven Yates 2:04
Thank you, Josh. Thanks for having me.
Josh Hadley 2:06
You’ve got quite the bio with a lot of experience. And so I’m super excited to have you on. I know you don’t love to necessarily be in the limelight and have that spotlight cast on you. But I think I’m excited for today’s episode, because you do have a wealth of knowledge that is really going to help our listeners. Prior to jumping in hit on the podcast and hitting the record button, we had a great conversation that already spurred some ideas for my own brand and just our brief conversation. So I know our listeners are going to take a lot of actionable advice away from you today. But Steve, why don’t you just dive in and tell us a little bit more about Prime Guidance? What is it and then the role you play there and how it came to be?
Steven Yates 2:54
Sure. So I’m the CEO of Prime Guidance. And Prime Guidance came about in 2014. And I was at Amazon, and several colleagues had asked me to start consulting for them. And it was just a great fit. What I realized was, I really enjoyed consulting, it made a lot of sense for me because I’m a fixer guy. I love challenges. I love creative thinking, thinking outside of the box and growing businesses. So when I started looking at other consultancies, first off, I found that most weren’t actually consultancies, they were agencies and those agencies did things that were typical of agencies, which I didn’t think necessarily were very client-centric. Amazon taught me that it has to always be all about the customer. And when I thought about when I want to hire an agency, I didn’t necessarily agree with the fact that I’d be locked into a long term contract, charged a percentage of revenue, or even worse ad spend. And a lot of times they had a real strong person at the home. But all their staff was either low-level staff that were only booksmart and didn’t have real life experience or they were overseas and you really weren’t paying for the level of professionalism that you thought you were getting. So I determined that I was going to do something very different, and found a true consultancy, someone that would truly act as a partner with our clients, help them grow their business in whatever way was good for them. So typically, these engagements start with actually coaching them, guiding them week by week, what should you be doing this week in your business? And how do you grow it? And then, over time, we learn what they’re good at doing themselves so that they have the resources and skill sets to execute on their own what they need some help doing. And at that point, we’re able to then layer on those levels of support. So if they need us to run their ad campaigns or more optimized content or do full-service management, we can do those things, but our methodology is always, it’s better to green their team and choose their DNA essentially to make them e-commerce and marketplace experts than to just outsource everything. So that’s always her first and foremost focus. And then we will just fill the gaps wherever it’s needed. So since that point in 2014, we have an advertise all of our business has come through word-of-mouth advertising, because we do good work and our clients tell others. So it’s been a fun ride. And we’ve helped hundreds of clients over almost 500 clients, since we founded the company. And even though all of our engagements are month to month, people stay with us for years because we truly act as a partner and help them grow their business. So it’s much different model than you’re probably accustomed to.