Skyrocket Your Organic Amazon Rankings | Proven PPC Strategies with Destaney Wishon

Destaney WishonDestaney Wishon is the CEO and Co-founder of BetterAMS, a retail media agency aiding Amazon sellers to scale their businesses through optimizing sponsored products, sponsored brands, sponsored displays, and DSP campaigns, which helps increase clicks and sales. Destaney has been in the Amazon space for six years, and her agency manages over $50 million of spend across Walmart and Amazon channels. Her first job out of college was as an intern at Shamrock Solutions, a fast-growing tech startup. While there, she honed her skills in Amazon Seller Central, social networking, and public relations. After realizing Amazon’s power potential as an online retailer, she co-founded BetterAMS and has never looked back. Destaney is a thought leader on Amazon advertising, social media personality, and co-host of Better Advertising With BetterAMS, a podcast sharing insights on optimizing and scaling online brands with Amazon PPC and DSP.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Destaney Wishon explains why her main focus is Amazon advertising
  • The role Amazon advertising plays in helping sellers scale their businesses
  • How does PPC boost organic rankings?
  • Why Destaney prefers Amazon brand metrics to help scale a business
  • Destaney reveals the Amazon advertising strategy behind organic rank
  • The best software services for managing data
  • Should your brand hire an advertising agency?
  • Destaney predicts three Amazon advertising trends over the next three years

In this episode…

Ad Spend is the amount of money businesses spend on advertising campaigns and is used as a metric for measuring ad performance. Amazon Advertising is a tool that allows sellers to only pay when buyers click on ads. As ads for brand products evolve, Amazon’s advertising business grows and attracts target audiences. Companies that utilize Amazon Advertising reap several benefits, such as improving brand awareness, reducing sales cycles, understanding customer behavior, and tracking results, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions.

Destaney Wishon, an advertising agency owner, explains that Amazon sellers shouldn’t advertise only for clicks. Instead, they need to understand the overall advantage, which is to improve product organic ranking. If your goal is to expand your brand to the next level, you need to monitor your brand metrics in addition to investing in Amazon Advertising.

In this episode of the eComm Breakthrough Podcast, Josh Hadley welcomes Destaney Wishon, CEO and Co-founder of BetterAMS, an advertising agency dedicated to helping Amazon brand owners. Together, Josh and Destaney discuss strategies for scaling businesses to the next level using Amazon Advertising. She advises on tips for boosting organic rankings, preferred data management tools, and how your business can benefit from hiring an advertising agency.

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This episode is brought to you by Ecomm Breakthrough Consulting where I help seven-figure ecommerce owners grow to eight figures. Of course…

I started Hadley Designs in 2015 and grew it to an eight-figure brand in seven years.

I made mistakes along the way that made the path to eight figures longer. At times I doubted whether our business could even survive and become a real brand. I wish I would have had a guide to help me grow faster and avoid the stumbling blocks.

If you’ve hit a plateau and want to know the next steps to take your business to the next level, then go to (that’s Ecomm with two M’s) to learn more.

As a special bonus to my podcast listeners, this month I’m giving away one $10,000 comprehensive business strategy audit session at no cost. Email me at with the subject line “Strategy Audit” and tell me why your business should win the free audit for the chance to win and don’t worry, if you don’t win the free strategy audit this month, you’ll automatically be entered for future months.

Episode Transcript

Intro 0:04

Welcome to the eComm Breakthrough Podcast. Are you ready to unlock the full potential and growth in your business? You’ve already crossed seven figures in sales, but the challenge is knowing how to take your business to the next level. Join Josh Hadley, an eight-figure e-comm business owner and investor, as he interviews highly successful business owners. Get ready because you’re going to learn specific actions you can take today to help your business reach its full potential and leave a lasting impact on the world.

Josh Hadley 0:37

Welcome to the eComm Breakthrough Podcast. I’m your host Josh Hadley, where I interview the top business leaders in e-commerce. past guests include Kevin King, Howard Thai, and Roland Frasier. Today I’m speaking with Destaney Wishon, CEO and Co-founder of BetterAMS, and we will be talking a lot about Amazon advertising strategies to help your business scale to the next level. This episode is brought to you by eComm Breakthrough Consulting, where I help seven-figure companies grow to eight figures and beyond. Listen Destaney, I started my business back in 2015. And I grew it to an eight-figure brand in seven years. But it took a lot longer than it necessarily needed to because there were times where I doubted whether my business could survive, whether I could step into a leadership position, actually lead a team of people, or doubts surrounding you know, cash flow for the business. So, to any of our listeners that have run into similar plateaus and are looking to take their business to the next level, go to That’s e-comm with two M’s to learn more about how I can be your guide to help you avoid those similar plateaus so that you can get there quicker, faster and easier. And as a special bonus to my podcast listeners. This month I’m giving away one $10,000 comprehensive business strategy audit session at no cost. All you need to do is email me at And in your subject line, make sure you say Strategy Audit, and then plead your case as to why I should choose you and your business to work with for this month strategy audit. And if you don’t win this month, don’t worry because you’ll be entered to win for future months to come. Before introducing today’s guest I want to give a big thank you to Amy Wees and thank her for referring Destaney as a guest for the podcast. Amy Wees is the CEO of Amazing At Home. She is a top rated e-commerce consultant and Amazon guru. She helps private label brands master the path from concept to launch. Today, I’m super excited to introduce you all to Destaney Wishon. Destaney is the CEO of BetterAMS and BetterAMS is a retail media agency managing over $50 million of spend across Walmart and Amazon. So with that, welcome to the show, Destaney.

Destaney Wishon 2:54

Thank you so much for having me, Josh, really excited to be here. I’m

Josh Hadley 2:57

super excited to have you on the show. My team’s also excited to have you on the show because they watch your YouTube videos and every all the content that you’re putting out. And oftentimes in our own strategy meetings that will be Hey, I remember Destaney said this, Destaney said that, and so, to have you on the podcast, I’m super excited to have you here. And I think I want to encourage our listeners to pay attention because Destaney knows what she’s talking about as it relates to Amazon advertising.

Destaney Wishon 3:26

I hope so I have been in this space for like six years and I have done nothing but Amazon ads. So you know a lot of people are forced to go wide, whether it’s because your brand is building or how quickly the industry changes. I was super thankful to be thrown into Amazon advertising management at like 22 years old, like my first large brand was managing around $10 million, spend a quarter. So I had to learn really fast. And this is all I know at this point. So thank you everyone for supporting my content, because you’re you know, paying for my meals.

Josh Hadley 3:59

I love it. Well, Destaney. So I mean, let’s add to your credibility here. Right? I mean, you were managing $10 million of spend out on a quarterly basis just to even get started. That’s impressive enough. But why did you decide to focus on Amazon advertising among all the other things that you could have gotten into?

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